On 14 June, The Hub held a breakfast briefing at the Swedish Parliament, Riksdagen, on Environmental impacts of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Since the start of the war, military operations have led to severe environmental destruction in Ukraine. This has both immediate and long-term impact for human health, welfare, livelihoods, and food security, beyond Eastern Europe as well as global trade systems. The briefing provided insights into the wide range of environmental effects of the conflict as well as opportunities for green reconstruction and mobilizing resources for green recovery.
Emma Nohrén, Chairperson of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture opened the briefing with welcome remarks. To set the stage, Dr Albert Norström (SRC) provided a brief overview of the current global situation of climate change and environmental degradation, underlining the close link between climate change and conflict. Thereafter, Dr Jiayi Zhou (SIPRI) presented an overview of the environmental impact of the war in Ukraine, highlighting the compound environment crises in Ukraine with wide consequences on industry, agriculture and human health. Dr Martina Klimes (SIWI) discussed the war’s direct, indirect and transboundary impacts on shared water resources and water infrastructure. Lastly, Bernardas Padegimas (SEI) presented the war’s long term impacts on the project “Green Agenda for Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia” led by SEI, that focuses on accelerating green transition processes in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia. The briefing was finished with an open discussion between the Members of Parliament and the researchers.